
restricted area



non-destructive testing


welders qualification

testing laboratory

Railway Checks – EU Regulation 402/2013

Railway Checks – EU Regulation 402/2013 VERICERT verifies the adequacy of risk management procedure application to changes to the railway system, as an assessment body (As.Bo.), as specified by Regulation (EU) No. 402/2013, in particular for the following subsystems:...

Grounding Plant Checks – DPR 462/01

Grounding Plant Checks – DPR 462/01 Vericert LLC is a type A inspection body authorized by the Ministry of Economic Development pursuant to Presidential Decree no. 462 of 22 October 2001 with Decree of 20 January 2022 and equipped with accreditation certificate...

Lift Checks DPR 162/99 and S.M.I.

Lift Checks DPR 162/99 and S.M.I. Vericert is an accredited and notified body for the execution of periodic and extraordinary inspections of lifts pursuant to Presidential Decree 162 of 30 April 1999 and subsequent amendments. Presidential Decree 162 of 30 April 1999...

Work Equipment Checks – DM 11/04/2011

Work Equipment Checks – DM 11/04/2011 Vericert Srl is a Qualified Subject for the Periodic Inspections of Lifting Equipment for things, people and pressure systems according to the Ministerial Decree of 11 April 2011 and Annex VII of Legislative Decree 81/08. For...

Machinery Directive 2006/42/CE

Direttiva Macchine 2006/42/CE La Direttiva 2006/42/CE del 17 maggio 2006 è stata recepita ed attuata per l’Italia mediante il Decreto Legislativo del 27 gennaio 2010, n. 17 ed è entrata in vigore in tutta Europa a partire dal 29 dicembre 2009.Essa definisce i...