Grounding Plant Checks – DPR 462/01
Vericert LLC is a type A inspection body authorized by the Ministry of Economic Development pursuant to Presidential Decree no. 462 of 22 October 2001 with Decree of 20 January 2022 and equipped with accreditation certificate no. 0453 ISP.Presidential Decree no. 462 of 22 October 2001 462
“Regulation to simplify the simplification of the procedure for reporting the installation and protection devices against atmospheric discharges, devices for grousing electrical systems and dangerous electrical systems.”
The employers has require periodic and extraordinary checks of grounding systems, electrical grounding system devices and hazardous electrical systems. The checks concern all activities with one or more employees, including working partners.
Two-yearly: Grounding systems located on construction sites, rooms for medical use, rooms for livestock use, places at greater risk in the event of fire and in places with danger of explosion.
Five-yearly: Grounding systems located in all other rooms.
Plants subject to verification
- Grounding systems with rated voltage up to 1000 V
- Grounding systems with rated voltage over 1000
- Electrical installations located in workplaces with danger of explosion
- Installations and protective devices against atmospheric discharges
Our working method
- Visual examination;
- Documentary examination;
- Continuity verification of the equipotential protection circuit;
Measurement of fault loop impedance;
- Measurement of ground resistance by voltamperometric method;
- Verification of the coordination of the grounding system with the residual current circuit breakers;
- Verification of the coordination of the grounding system with the magnetothermic circuit breakers to protect the distribution circuits and terminal circuits;
- Measurement of contact voltages in accordance with CEI EN 50522 (CEI 99-3).